
Ancestros de Alvar Rodriquez

5 May 2019

Under Construction

Mouse over the dates for more information.

I don't vouch for ANY of the information!!!

Most of it was stolen from

Alvar Rodriquez de Maluenda

(1415 - 1470)


Juan Garces de Maluenda

(1380 - UNK)

Maria Nunez Ha Levi

(1388 - 1423)


Abraham Astruc de Catalonia

(~1340 - UNK)

UNK Rodriquez

(before 1350)

Crespin Astruc, Ha Levi

(~1330 - UNK)

? Duran


Abba Mari "Don Astruc" ben Moses Yarhi de Lunel (de Lunel)

(~1220 - ~1310)

Three Unknown





Moshe ben Yitzhak HaLevi HaYarhi

(~185 - UNK)


Yitzhak (the Blind) "Saggi Neor"

(~1160 - ~1235)

Abrahm ben David "Rabad" or "Rabad III"

(~1135 - ~1198)


Isaac Simon Ha-Levi, judio de Soriz

(1355 - 1414)

Maria Benveniste

(before 1360)


Abraham de la Cavalleria de la Cavalleria Ha Levi

(1275 - UNK)

Bonosa de la Cavalleria

(1275 - UNK)

Don Judah de la Cavalleria Ha Levi (Benveniste "Cavalier"

(~1227 - 1286)


Benveniste ben Abraham de la Cavalleria

(~1160 - UNK)

Vidal Benveniste de la Caballeria

(~1195 - 1268)

Abraham Yehudah ben Yehudah "Cavalier"

(~1130 - 1209)


Abraham "Cavallier" bar Shealtiel bar Mar Shealtiel

(~1070 - 1120_

Shaltiel bar mar bar mar Shealtiel

(~1066 - ~1136)


Yosef (Isaac) Yosef "Cidellus" Ibn bar Mar Shealtiel, Vizier, Lt of El Cid

(~1035 - ~1145)

Mar Solomon Solomon Shealtiel "Felez Ferruz" Pattish Hahazak Nasi Pattish haHazak (VIZIER)

(1017 - 1060)

Bonadona Perfet (1st)

(1035 - UNK)

Reina Pattish Hahazak Bat Kalonymos of Narbonne

(980/1034 - UNK)



1035 BCE


1040 BCE

GENI indicates ~40 unbroken generations ending at 1035BCE.

Including the kings of Judea.

I doubt it....

But click below to see it.